Quick Tip
“For nearly two years, 165 feet beneath the surface of Lake Ontario, a giant ‘mole’ steadily carved a one-mile long, nine-foot diameter tunnel through solid bedrock.”
这听起来像是一部即将上映的科幻电影的看点, 但它准确地描述了门罗县水务局东区供水项目的一个关键部分, like a good sci-fi movie, also challenges one’s imagination.
Beginning in mid-2013, 这条巨大的隧道开始为新的韦伯斯特水处理厂每天抽取多达5000万加仑的淡水, 现在与西侧的肖雷蒙特处理厂共存,为管理局的50个地区社区供水.
这是安大略湖的第二个主要水源,为我们社区的主要淡水供应提供了额外的可靠性和关键的冗余, achieving a goal initially envisioned in the 1950s. With the new plant online, 计划内或计划外的维护和维修都可以不完全依赖水务管理局碳足迹中储存的水.
在门罗县的两边都有污水处理厂,也消除了需要几个大型增压泵的需要,这些增压泵已经被用来向东部输送水. Basically, 双水源的配置意味着水只需要泵送过去一半的距离, which reduces costs, helps keep water rates affordable, 大大减少了能源消耗和水务局的碳足迹.
How it Works
As the water is drawn from the intake tunnel system, 它通过几个筛网将鱼和其他异物分离出来. 然后通过一条48英寸长的管道向南输送三英里,进入韦伯斯特水处理厂, 采用最先进的技术来确保水达到严格的质量标准, purity and clarity.
As an initial step at the plant, 化学物质被少量添加到水中——实际上是一次一滴. In this coagulation process, 明矾(硫酸铝)和聚合物吸引杂质,并帮助它们形成称为“絮团”的团块,这些团块足够大,可以被过滤器捕获. 用氯对水进行消毒,用二氧化碳适当调节pH值.
在到达过滤器之前,水进入被称为接触池的大水池. Here, the floc is allowed to form completely before moving on. 来自盆地的水流经由沙子和活性炭层组成的过滤器. The floc is captured as the water flows out through a porous bottom. The activated carbon not only provides a physical barrier to the particles, it also removes odors and other impurities.
当水通过一个蛇形入口进入一个400万加仑的被称为“清井”的水池时,最后再加一次氯. 这样可以进一步消毒水,杀死任何存活的细菌,并保持水的清洁.
Water is tested daily in an on-site laboratory to ensure the standards are met, and results are reported to the Monroe County Health Department. Once the water properties are verified, 它被泵入约10英里长的新水管和连接核电站和配电系统的传输设施.
Going Green
From construction to operation, 韦伯斯特水处理厂是一个尊重环境的“绿色”设施.
Consider these facts:
- 每隔几天用来清洗过滤器的100万加仑反冲洗槽是以前安装的重复使用的, amounting to 155 tons of recycled steel.
- 这条长达13英里的新输电干线由75%的再生球墨铸铁和50%的再生钢制成.
- 该工厂的东侧位置减少了向MCWA社区供水所需的1兆瓦(100万瓦)能源.
- 该工厂利用该地区经常寒冷的温度,采用自然冻干工艺处理反冲洗污泥. 而不是高能耗的传统处理方法,如压榨机或离心机, 每年冬天,人们都会把沉淀下来的反冲洗残留物铺成薄薄的一层,然后冷冻起来. 这打破了水合作用的纽带,并允许颗粒物质在水返回湖泊时分离和沉淀. 这一过程每年节省的能源远远超过10万千瓦时.
- The project included creation of ten acres of wetlands in Webster.
- 更大的进气和输电干线减少了长期的能源需求和电力需求.
- 自然冷却的湖水被用来冷却工厂,降低成本和能源消耗.
Funding the Project
水务监督于1995年开始设立现金储备基金,以应付耗资1.5亿元的东区供水计划所需的资金. By the time the first construction contracts were awarded, the fund had cash reserves in excess of $20 million dedicated for this purpose.
该项目良好的经济情况和环保方面极大地帮助了它获得联邦刺激基金以及外部赠款和融资. Through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, for example, 纽约州卫生部向水务局提供赠款和补贴, in large part because the project followed energy-efficient green practices.
Other sources of funding and financing included:
- $17.75 million grant from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
- $17.由纽约州环境设施公司安排并由2009年美国复苏与再投资法案承保的7500万美元低息融资.
- $5.76 million grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
- 纽约州能源研究与发展局拨款10万美元.
A Clear Step Forward
With its technologically advanced operating and control system, the Webster Water Treatment Project is an extremely efficient plant, 其最先进的安全措施和设备减少了我们对自然事件的脆弱性,例如主断裂甚至自然灾害.
In short, 该项目代表着我们为客户和该地区提供安全服务的能力向前迈出了一大步, reliable and affordable water. It has been in our future for a long time. As of 2013, it is a welcomed reality.